TwitchRP Wiki
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Welcome to the TwitchRP Wiki! - Join our Discord
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Welcome to the TwitchRP Wiki!

Welcome to the unofficial wiki for TwitchRP, the massive online roleplaying community! Here, you're free to read and edit pages about your favorite characters and pieces of lore. This page is a community-wide collaboration and is therefore open to change from all sorts of folks, registered or unregistered, player or fan.

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Note: This wiki is NOT meant to be used in character. Metagaming is NOT the purpose of the wiki or any resources linked here, unless otherwise specified by TwitchRP staff.

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Special thanks to the lovely designers at Flaticon for letting us use their art in our directory! Icons by Freepik, Vitaly Gorbachev, Icon Box, Kiranshastry, SBTS2018, and juicy_fish
